Ida mine eastern branch, twin tunnels (entrance). Right entrance nearly closed by fallen debries.Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoWaterfall on Argento (Silver) stream seen from the lower ore pile near S.Caterina tunnel.Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoPanoramic view on the ore pile from S.Caterina's mine.Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoAnglesite. Clear semi-transparent crystal. Fully reflective for certain incidence angles. Groundmass made of iron hydroxide coated quartz (cca.5 mm). Galena mine, last upper tunnel just below Malga Masi, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoSilver. Clear greenish filiform formation, silver resembling shape. Frame 50 mm x 80 mm (cca.80 mm). Galena mine, highest tunnel, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoCalcite. Two white pyramidal crystals, on the right a blackish sphalerite single crystal (cca.18 mm). Galena's mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoCalcite. White crystals, partially coated, likely by cerussite with spot of golden like chalcopyrite (cca.6 mm). Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoGalena. Wheel like twinned crystal, not much frequent in this site. Cube octaedral opaque galena, together with marmatite (cca.12 mm). Ida tunnel, Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoMarmatite. Twin cryslats (cca.5 mm). Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoMarmatite. Crystals in quartz niche (cca.5 mm). Galena mine, Cinquevalli, RoncegnoScheelite. Waxy yellow bipyramidal cristal, having a square base. Prisma missing. Grown on black opaque Wolframite (cca.5 mm). Galena mine, ore pile beside twin tunnels. Orographic left of Fontanelle stream, RoncegnoWolframite. Crystals grown in quartz bulk (cca.13 mm). Cinquevalli, Roncegno